Therapeutic treatments at Lake Bennett


Sharon Leach is the sole proprietor and therapy practitioner of Lake Bennett Health Retreat

My name is Sharon.
I have enjoyed being a therapist for over 30 years.
I would love to share my beautiful property and therapeutic treatments.

My Lake Bennett

“I am home at last
I have been set free
The water, rocks and trees feed me
My life begins again, so I feel
The need to be in a world so real
The sky grey tufts of floating clouds
As night approaches
Bugs and night birds loud
Their messages they give
The air so sweet and fresh
There’s nowhere else I’d rather live”

– Sharon Leach, 1998

“I am grounded and strong at the house with the view
Seeing the sun go down, another day through
Glad to be here and feel all these things
Look forward to tomorrow and see what it brings”

– Sharon Leach, 2012

Sole Proprietor and Practitioner